Have you ever been gazing lovingly at your cat and wondered, “What do cats see when they look at humans?” If so, you’re not alone. Thankfully, there has been tons of research into this question, giving us a better idea of what cats truly see when they look at the world around … [Read more...] about What Do Cats See When They Look at Humans?
Cat Facts
Do Cats Like the Smell of Lavender? Or Do They Hate it?
Imagine you’ve just brought a lavender diffuser to help keep your house smelling fresh. You take a deep breath as the delightful smell starts wafting around your home. But then you notice your kitty reeling back from the diffuser with its mouth wide open, and you start … [Read more...] about Do Cats Like the Smell of Lavender? Or Do They Hate it?
Do Cats Like When You Talk to Them? Yes – Here’s Why!
Cats and humans don’t speak the same language, but that doesn’t stop us from chatting away with our gorgeous felines. I love having conversations with my cat! As pet parents, I’m sure you feel the same; although it seems strange, talking to cats is normal among owners. One day … [Read more...] about Do Cats Like When You Talk to Them? Yes – Here’s Why!
Cat Losing Hair Around Eyes: 10 Potential Causes
Is your feline looking a bit bare around the eyes lately? Have you thought, “Why is my cat shedding so much?” You are not alone! Many cat owners, myself included, have had this same problem. But why is this such a widespread concern? Is hair loss something all cats go through? Or … [Read more...] about Cat Losing Hair Around Eyes: 10 Potential Causes
When Is It Too Late to Neuter a Cat? Optimal Neutering Age
Are you tired of telling people, “My cat attacks me unprovoked,” to explain the ridiculous number of scratches on your arms? Do you want to stop a cat from spraying indoors and get rid of that urine smell? Or maybe you’ve had to see your cat through numerous litters already, and … [Read more...] about When Is It Too Late to Neuter a Cat? Optimal Neutering Age